1. Callysto Workshop at STEM 2021
“Teaching Digital Workforce Skills in the Classroom”
Time: Monday, July 5th, 17:00 to 18:30 (Sponsored Workshop)
Coding, computational thinking, and data science are important skills for the growing digital workforce. In this workshop, teachers will learn how to add these skills into their classrooms by using Callysto – a federally-funded, online, curriculum-tied tool designed for Grades 5-12 students. Educators who use Callysto in their classrooms will lead the session. Participants are asked to bring their own laptops where possible, so they can jump into Callysto tutorials. For more information on the Callysto project, please visit Callysto.ca
Fee: Free
Location: Online
Maximum Registration: 40 delegates
2. Edwin Workshop at STEM 2021
“How Edwin supports innovative pedagogies and STEM”
Time: Wednesday, July 7th, 3:15 pm – 4:45 pm (Sponsored Workshop)
Kathleen Barter: Edwin Classroom Success Facilitator
Ken Peterson: Sr. Team Lead, Edwin Classroom Success Facilitator
Claire Varley: Director, Edwin Classroom Success
Institution: Nelson Education
The foundation of STEM education is built on the core skills of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the real world application of these 21st century skills. This session will explore how the rich array of resources in the Edwin Ecosystem support the teaching of these critical skills, the interdisciplinary planning of STEM units, and the creation of STEM performance tasks.
Attendees of this session will have an opportunity to receive Free Edwin Access until July 31 2021 and will receive access to a Edwin STEM resources. If you have questions ahead of this session, please email robyn.reekie@nelson.com.
Fee: Free
Location: Online
Maximum Registration: Unlimited