Call for Proposals – papers, posters, panels, workshops, and symposiums, that were accepted for presentation at STEM2020 will remain accepted for STEM2021.
Authors, whose proposals are accepted, will be invited to upload their revised abstracts and proposals for inclusion in the final program and in the peer-reviewed online STEM 2021 Conference Proceedings. Guidelines are available below:
- Limited Call for Proposals re-opens: October 26, 2020
- Limited Call for Proposals closes: November 22, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: December 15, 2020
- Final Upload of revised accepted submissions and abstracts: January 31, 2021
- All Authors must register before the early bird deadline: April 15, 2021
- Proceedings published: November 1, 2021
There are only four types of accepted submissions in the Limited Call for Proposals:
- Paper presentations
- Poster presentations
- Panels
- Symposia
Please use the template (.docx file) provided.
1. Paper Presentation (Final paper template Click here)
Final Paper Versions are a maximum of 3,000 words including tables and figures, and one (1) page of references - Maximum 6 Pages. The paper presentation will not exceed 20 minutes (including five minutes for questions). Make sure to address all the reviewers' comments and proofread it carefully. The final submission should include:
- Title (no more than 20 words)
- Author and Institutional IDs
- Keywords
- Abstract (250 words maximum)
- Goals and objectives
- Theoretical framework
- Methodology
- Results and discussion (if the results are yet to come, it should be emphasized)
- Conclusions and significance of the study
- References (one page maximum)
2. Poster Presentation (Final poster template Click here)
Final Poster presentations will have a designated time allocated in the program during which the authors of accepted contributions are expected to be present. References must be included on an additional single page. Make sure to address all the reviewers' comments and proofread it carefully. The final submission must include:
- Title (no more than 20 words)
- Author and Institutional IDs
- Keywords
- Abstract (250 words maximum)
- Poster size: Digitally Presented -- Further advise pending.
3. Panel (Final panel template Click here)
Final Panels presentations will have a designated time allocated in the program (up to 40 min) during which the authors of accepted contributions are expected to be present. References must be included on an additional single page. Make sure to address all the reviewers' comments and proofread it carefully. The submission must include:
- Title (no more than 20 words)
- Panel Member and Institutional IDs
- Keywords
- Abstract (250 words maximum)
- Make sure that the names of all the panel participants and their affiliations appear under authors and refer to in the panel abstract
4. Symposium (Final symposium template Click here)
Final Symposium sessions opportunities to discuss or examine a particular STEM education inquiry problem or topic through multiple presenters and expert discussants (maximum of five members). Symposium are a maximum of 2,000 words or up to 45 minutes presentation time plus 15 minutes for Q&A. The symposium organiser will be responsible for identifying the theme or an issue significant to the STEM field and bringing together the presenters who will be able to contribute. Make sure to address all the reviewers' comments and proofread it carefully. The submission must comprise the following elements:
- Title (no more than 20 words)
- Symposium Member Names and Institutional IDs
- Keywords
- Abstract (250 words maximum)
- Proposed issues and themes for the Symposium and Rationale
- Goals and objectives
- Intended outcomes
- The expected contribution from each Symposium member (the information about the individual participants should be included)
- References or other relevant information (one page maximum)
Submit your proposal through ConfTools ( under "Your Submissions" tab
- ALL listed authors of accepted submissions must have a validated STEM2021 ConfTool account.
- ALL authors and presenters who will be present at STEM2021 must be fully registered for the conference, by April 15, 2021, in order for the accepted submission to be included in the Conference program. This includes presenters of papers, posters, panels, symposia, workshops, and interactive showcases.
Check compliance as follows:
- ALL Submission MUST use the TEMPLATE accessible from the tab above "Types of Accepted Submissions / Final Version Templates"
- The DUE DATE for Submission is November 22nd, 2020.
- All final submissions must be in grammatically correct English and proofread carefully before uploading. Submissions that do not meet academic standards for educational research will not be considered for the conference.
- Note that submissions may not have been previously published, nor submitted before another conference for consideration.
- The submission file is PDF file format.
- The American Psychological Association (APA) style is used for formatting the paper:
- The length of the final submission must comply with the submission requirements detailed in the “Types of Submissions”. Conference organizers will NOT accept any submission that does not meet these requirements.
- All URL addresses in the text (e.g., are activated and ready to click.
- All acronyms are explained and the use of acronyms is minimized.
- The text is single-spaced; must use 12-point Times New Roman font; 2-cm margins all around; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- File name should be all the authors’ last names capitalized and separated by an underscore. For example, the file of a paper by authors: David Johnson, Jill Jones and Zhang Xi will be titled (Johnson_Jones_Xi.pdf).
Revise your accepted proposal and abstract through ConfTools ( under "Your Submissions" tab
To be included in the conference program, all authors of accepted proposals MUST upload a revised, unblinded, and final version of their accepted submission(s) via the “Final Upload” function within the “Your Submissions” tab in ConfTool by JANUARY 31, 2021. This includes the pdf file(s) that comply with the required format (See “Types of Accepted Submissions” and “REVISE NOW”), as well as the final Abstract(s).
- ALL listed authors of accepted submissions must have a validated STEM2021 ConfTool account.
- ALL authors and presenters who will be present at STEM2021 must be fully registered for the conference, by April 15, 2021, in order for the accepted submission to be included in the Conference program. This includes presenters of papers, posters, panels, symposia, workshops, and interactive showcases.
1. Read the Reviewers’ feedback and address it.
2. All revisions to the proposal and abstract must comply exactly with the relevant templates shown under the "Types of Accepted Submissions / Final Version Templates" tab (
3. Un-blind your submission and included Author details and Affiliation in the PDF document you upload as the final version (See "Types of Accepted Submissions / Final Version Templates" tab for Templates).
4. Revised your abstract and proposal to its final version.
5. Check compliance as follows:
- All final submissions must be in grammatically correct English and proofread carefully before uploading. Submissions that do not meet academic standards for educational research will not be considered for the conference.
- Note that submissions may not have been previously published, nor submitted before another conference for consideration.
- The submission file is PDF file format.
- The American Psychological Association (APA) style is used for formatting the paper:
- The length of the final submission must comply with the submission requirements detailed in the “Types of Submissions”. Conference organizers will NOT accept any submission that does not meet these requirements.
- All URL addresses in the text (e.g., are activated and ready to click.
- All acronyms are explained and the use of acronyms is minimized.
- The text is single-spaced; must use 12-point Times New Roman font; 2-cm margins all around; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- File name should be all the authors’ last names capitalized and separated by an underscore. For example, the file of a paper by authors: David Johnson, Jill Jones and Zhang Xi will be titled (Johnson_Jones_Xi.pdf).
6. Upload your final camera-read abstract and final submission via the "Final Upload" Tab in "Your Submissions" in ConfTool.
Presenting authors and presenters of accepted papers and posters AND all participants in accepted panels, symposia, workshops and innovative showcases are expected to register for the STEM2021 Conference before the Early Bird deadline on April 15, 2021, in order to be included in the conference program.
All registered STEM participants will have access to the papers published in the STEM 2021 online proceedings, as well as to the recordings of the presentations (through the password protected conference platform - you should use the same password as you used to participate in the conference). The proceedings will be available online through the Presentations webpage by November 1, 2021.
All proposals accepted for presentation and that were presented at the conference will be published. After the conference in July, we will post an announcement regarding the timeline of the publication of the conference proceedings.